12 April 2024, 14:00-16:00
ICS-ULisboa, Sala 2 and online, https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/98490787534
Els Keunen – University of Stuttgart
Discussant: Joana Pestana Lages – DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte
Organised by DASH

This seminar, based on an ongoing PhD project, will focus on the drivers of domestic and intra-urban residential mobility decisions in a Sub-Saharan context and reflect on the extent to which access to rental housing is adjusted to mobile populations, using the case of Anglophone tenants in Douala.
Els Keunen joined the Department of International Urbanism at the University of Stuttgart as a lecturer and researcher in October 2023. She is teachsing courses on Urban Planning; Methods and Tools; and Critical Perspectives from Southern Urbanism. Before joining the institute, Els worked as advisor citizen participation in the Programme for Municipal Development implemented by the German Development Agency (GIZ) in Cameroon. Concurrently, she carried out field work for her PhD research which focuses on housing pathways of tenants in Douala.