By Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen
In August 2024, four DASHers took part in the ENHR conference in Delft. ENHR is the European Network for Housing Research, which organises a yearly conference on changing themes. This year, the theme was Making Housing Systems Work: Evidence and solutions. We attended a range of interesting plenaries on diverse themes such as the Dutch housing market and Dutch housing policies; cooperative housing as part of the solution to social, affordability and environmental challenges; challenges for the energy transition and housing affordability in Europe; industrialised housing as a way forward; young people and housing futures; and housing academia and activism. Several of the plenaries centred on or addressed the provision of safe and affordable housing, providing us with interesting insights for DASH. On field trips we got to see and learn about different elements of the Dutch housing market. Finally, DASHers were active in the workshop sessions. Lene Wiell Nordberg, Rikke Sundstrup and Sonia Alves presented papers in two different workshops, while Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen chaired four sessions in the working group Minority Ethnic Groups and Housing. All in all, a great conference for DASH’ers!

Credits for image: Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen