After Denmark in 2023 and Portugal in 2024, the annual DASH thematic workshop 2025 will take place in Germany from 19 to 23 May. Make sure to put these dates in your calendars

As announced in the previous newsletter, the DASH Thematic Workshop took place on 9 April 2024 at ICS-UL. This year's theme was "The role of the private sector in delivering below-market rent options". Keynote speakers included Nuno Travasso from DARQ - Coimbra University, who talked about access to the rental market in Portugal – specifically the affordable rent programme; and Patricia Canelas from Oxford University, who presented her findings on the governance of affordable housing through PPPs – specifically the limits of private/public dichotomies. If you missed it, check out their contributions on YouTube.

After meeting up in Aalborg last year, this year the DASH team is meeting in Lisbon. And you can be part of this: on 9 April, ICS-UL is organising the second DASH thematic workshop, which is open to anyone interested.

The joint meeting at Aalborg was organized from the 21st to 23rd of August. The focus of the meeting revolved around Denmark's social housing system, specifically examining Alborg's experience with it.