In August 2024, four DASHers attended the ENHR conference in Delft, focusing on Making Housing Systems Work: Evidence and solutions. We participated with presentations as well as the coordination of workshops. A very fruitful outlet for DASH work and great inspiration for future work.

A large number of experts from Serbia and abroad, usually numbering over 150, attend this conference. Attendees include those working in professions related to planning, spatial planning and land administration management, as well as managers and employees of state and local self-government bodies, employees of universities, private companies, non-governmental organizations and civil society representatives.

In October 2024, DASH member Marco Allegra presented a paper on local housing strategies (co-authored with Caterina di Giovanni, ICS-ULisboa) at the 5th International Congress on Housing in the Lusophone Space (CIHEL), which took place in Lisbon on October 2-4.

The Serbian Urban Planners Association (SUPA) and the Republic Geodetic Authority organized their 20th international scientific-professional conference "Urbanism and Sustainable Development", which took place in Novi Pazar (Serbia), from 9 to 11 May, with over 200 participants from Serbia, Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Croatia and Sweden. Zlata Vuksanović-Macura, Ivana Momić and Aleksandar Jevtić attended the conference as DASH members.

DASH members Sónia Alves, Zlata Vuksanović-Macura, Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen and Lene Wiell Nordberg will participate in the ENHR CONFERENCE 2024 - Making Housing Systems work: Evidence and Solutions (Delft, Netherlands, August 26-30)

On 21 March 2024, Sónia Alves, on behalf of Julia Hartman and Filipa Cabrita, presented the preliminary results of the paper “Why the municipal matters: lessons from Germany and Portugal for addressing Europe’s housing crisis” at the 18th Annual International Conference of the Planning, Law, and Property Rights Association.