The role of Danish social housing in the future: sharing DASH-thoughts in public media

June 3, 2024

By Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen

DASH members Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen, Lene Wiell Nordberg, and Hans Thor Andersen wrote a feature for a Danish online paper which received substantial attention, and prompted a reply-feature by the deputy-chairman of a Danish social housing organisation.

Based on a DASH paper on the role of social housing in Denmark, Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen, Lene Wiell Nordberg, and Hans Thor Andersen wrote a feature for a Danish online paper to spread the knowledge further. The feature received substantial attention, including a reply-feature by the deputy-chairman of a Danish social housing organisation. This led to a second feature by Rikke, Lene and Hans. Great to get the discussion going on the role of social housing! Just what we want to do with DASH.

You can find here all the links of the exchange: